

The Business of Insurance - Jan 08, 2019

INSURANCE PODCAST WITH SAM GLEN AT THE IA&B FUTURES CONFERENCE 2018 Episode 20 - Welcome to another episode of the Business of Insurance podcast. If you are a returning listener, welcome back. If you are new to the podcast, welcome and enjoy! Be sure to download this podcast on your favorite podcast player so that you don’t miss any episodes! If you aren't sure how to listen, scroll down and we've provided instructions. ABOUT THE HOST My name is Debbie DeChambeau and I am an insurance agent talking about the benefits of working in this amazing industry called insurance. I’m a podcaster who helps insurance organizations create podcasts as a sales opportunity and I help conferences keep the conversation going after the event has ended. Debbie also hosts Business In Real Life podcast and Divorce Exposed.  Connect with Debbie on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram. Check out her book Renewable Referrals INFORMATION ON THE NEXT IA&B CONFERENCE This is another episode in our IA&B Futures Conference series. If you missed this conference in 2018, I would encourage you to put it on your must attend list in 2019. The date has been set for October 8th and 9th 2019. If you go to the IA&B website you can get the details.  OUR GUEST Our guest today isn’t in the insurance industry but is a motivational speaker with a twist. He’s a self taught artist and brings art creation into his presentations.  Sam has taken his struggles and turned them into something positive. He’s been through what many of us go through and has found a way to work through the down cycles through positivity, by managing his attitude. I know it might sound a little woo woo but as someone who focuses on always having a positive attitude myself, I completely relate to what he is talking about. I’m not going to go into my life struggles here, but trust me when I say that for as long as I can remember, and this goes back to my teenage years, I have intentionally focused on a positive attitude. I believe it’s what has gotten me through some difficult times and continues to impact my daily life today. Being positive, being happy takes work because sometimes life can be challenging! If you are working in the insurance industry, you might occasionally experience some of those challenges. Sam has written several books about how attitude affects the workplace, leadership and relationships. We also talk about Courage, how it is relevant today, finding courage in each other and how we need courage every day. Here's the artwork he created during his presentation. OUR SPONSOR If you listened to my conversation with Sydney Roe and and Steve Haravill, you probably heard me mention that I also facilitate CEO roundtable groups. Now you might be thinking that you are’t a CEO but I believe that you are the CEO of your life, therefore, you are a CEO. I’m looking to put one together in 2019 for insurance agents. Depending on the interest level, we might have one just for agency principles and those in the C suite (those of you in operations, management and in leadership roles)  and one for producers. If I have enough other professionals, I’d be happy to coordinate that but for now I’ll stick with the C suite and producers. Consider them an informal board of advisors. You see, the sooner you surround yourself with your peers, the sooner you will learn things and experience growth. As I put these together, I’ll make sure that there is some geographical distance between participants. If you are interested, connect with me on LinkedIn or send me an email to [email protected].   My experience in the insurance business, my knowledge of marketing and my exposure to running business provide you with ideas that will help you catapult your business. This episode is brought to you by Constant Contact. It’s an email marketing tool that allows you to stay in compliance with sending mass emails as well as lets you create beautiful templates that match your agency brand.  Try Constant Contact free for 30 days. Click here for your free trial. HOW TO LISTEN TO PODCASTS Do you have an iPhone? Look for the purple podcast app and download. Do you listen to Spotify? Search for The Business of Insurance on the platform. Do you have a droid phone? Download the Google Podcast app and search for The Business of Insurance podcast or download the Stitcher app. Both work on the phone. There are other podcast players in your phone store that you might like better that what we've indicated above. Try a few and see what you like best! How did you find this podcast?  Maybe through a social media post, maybe a search in your podcast player? Maybe we interviewed one of your friends. Could you do us a favor? Go to iTunes, stitcher or google podcasts or spotify and leave a review - we’ve included instructions on the website, If you like what we are talking about, please tell a coworker about the podcast! You’ll make our day  

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