Escape the Price Battlefield


The Business of Insurance - Apr 16, 2019

DO YOU QUOTE INSURANCE OR OFFER SOLUTIONS? A CONVERSATION WITH BEN PAGE Episode 29 - Taking control of the conversation instead of just doing what everyone else is doing will set you apart from your competitors. Creating your own process takes time and effort, but in the long run, you will develop clients that want to work with you because of how you treat them, not just because of the price you offer. When talking to a prospect, if you are offering proposals because that’s what they are expecting makes you just like everyone else. Develop some targeted questions that aren’t just underwriting based and begin the process of WOWing your prospects and clients. 2019 started with big goals for the podcast and one of them was to publish a new episode every week. For a few weeks, I was consistent, but my mom has been very ill and has been in the hospital more than she’s been out. I’m the only child left,  so I’ve been there managing her care. One of the benefits of being self employed is that my schedule is flexible, but realistically, there are only so many hours in a day. I really want to get back to my weekly publication, so hang in there with me please! As an insurance agent, the lessons learned from caregiving make great stories to share with your clients to make sure they have the proper aging plans in place! No one thinks they are going to end up in a nursing home ….. But are they doing the proper planning in the event something like this happens. If this isn’t an area you are familiar with, please meet with a few estate planning attorneys and elder law attorneys and learn about some of their processes. I mentioned this in another episode, but this is extremely valuable information for you to help your clients that will potentially lead to life and long term care insurance for you. Regardless, it’s good advice to be sharing with your clients if you see yourself as an advisor and not just an agent selling policies.   Why consider International Association of Insurance Professionals? A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending the regional conference for International Association of Insurance Professionals. For those of you that have been around for awhile, you might know it as NAIW, but they did a rebranding a few years ago to open it to both men and women. I actually found the organization by accident because I was looking for something completely different, but one of the things I learned is that they focus on leadership training. Personally, that in itself is worth the investment of this organization. Most of our leaders don’t get trained, the just end up in the role. To be an effective leader, there are some important skills that you need to develop. IAIP offers a training unique to insurance professionals, both on the agency and company side, so if you are not familiar with them, check them out. Their national conference is in Las Vegas June 6-8th OF 2019. I’ll link to their website in the show notes, but I really think it’s worthwhile to investigate. I wouldn’t look at this as a networking event, although I believe that meeting with your peers in the industry is an added benefit, but the training and the leadership component, is invaluable. CHECK OUT IAIP CONFERENCE HERE Lastly, before I introduce our guest, I want to thank Wade Galt for his review of the podcast on iTunes. This is the first review and it’s from someone that I don’t know and haven’t spoken with. As much as I’m grateful for the review, I’m flattered by how you perceive the information I’m providing here. I’m not in my 20’s or 30’s but I’m well aware of technology and how it can be used in business and I’m hopeful that every generation listening to this podcast receives value because there’s an old saying that applies to almost everything in life and that is ‘what’s old is new’! Technology provides a lot of opportunities but a strong solid referral strategy passes the test of time. If you are new to the podcast and haven’t listened to the back episodes, check out episode # 24 which is also about sales.   ABOUT OUR GUEST – BEN PAGE Ben Page is an insurance agent, agency principal and a published author. Learn more about him at his website or connect with him on social. LinkedIn Facebook YouTube Check out his book on amazon ABOUT THE HOST This episode of the Business of Insurance is produced and hosted by Debbie DeChambeau, CIC, AAI, CPIA. Debbie is an insurance agent with an extensive business and marketing background. Her focus is helping insurance professionals be more successful. She is the co-author of Renewable Referrals and hosts two other podcasts Business In Real Life and Divorce Exposed. Connect with Debbie on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram.  Coming soon. Single and Over Sixty and Seniors We Love

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