Intellectual Property


The Business of Insurance - Feb 26, 2019

Should You Trademark Your Business Name? Episode 26 - This is a replay of an interview that I did on another podcast I produce called Business In Real Life. Our guest is an intellectual property attorney and the information was great for business owners. Since you, the business of insurance podcast listener might be working with other business owners, or you might be a business owner yourself, I thought I would share the episode here. It’s so important to understand why intellectual property needs to be protected and why it needs to be done correctly. You’ve heard me say this more than one, but position yourself as an advisor to your clients. And as an advisor, it’s important to know about IP law. How insurance protects and doesn’t protect, although we don’t discuss the insurance aspect here. In the beginning of the recording, I talk about some real cases. Make sure your clients aren’t making the same mistakes. If you are an agent looking to create content, this is a topic not a lot of people are talking about, but it’s really important! Radiance Harris has been practicing IP law for nearly a decade. She is different than many attorneys because her pricing is based on packages. Decide what you need and you can see on her website what it will cost you. It’s a unique model for a law firm and we talk about why she set up her practice this way as well. QUESTIONS WE ASK RADIANCE What is intellectual property? Why does a company need to protect their IP What happens if a company just puts a ™ after their content? How likely is a business to be sued if they violate a trademark or copyright? RESOURCES Are you interested in learning more about Select Business Team? Check out where we have teams.  If we don’t have one in your area, we can help you start one in your area. Give us a call to discuss further at 301-996-2328 or schedule a meeting on our calendar Click here to access calendar   ABOUT OUR GUEST - RADIANCE HARRIS Radiance Harris is the founder of Radiance IP Law. Her firm specializes in protecting intellectual property. Connect with Radiance: Radiance IP Law Website Facebook Twitter - @radianceharris Instagram - @radianceharris ABOUT THE HOST This episode of the Business of Insurance is produced and hosted by Debbie DeChambeau, CIC, AAI, CPIA. Debbie is an insurance agent with an extensive business and marketing background. Her focus is helping insurance professionals be more successful. She is the co-author of Renewable Referrals and hosts two other podcasts  Business In Real Life  and Divorce Exposed. Connect with Debbie on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram.

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